Nature Happenings

  • October is the best month to start watching for rare northern ducks and loons on the Front Range.
  • The Common Grackle is a nemesis to many local bird feeders. Gathering in ever-growing flocks, these birds prepare to migrate south to bother the nice folks in Texas.
  • In the past, Mourning Doves were fall migrants. But due to an ever-warmer climate, increased winter cover in suburban backyards and availability of wider range of food, they are seen in communal flocks throughout the winter.
  • White-winged Doves are seen with more frequency.
  • All members of the dove family favor ground feeders, seed blocks and flat trays of millet and cracked corn.
  • The first storms of winter usher in winter migrants which often seek shelter in the cover of backyards.
  • Many members of the sparrow family (Chipping, White-crowned, Brewer's, Song and Lincoln's) join the ubiquitous House Sparrow at ground feeders.
  • Sparrows can be seen scratching for fallen seeds in fading gardens.
  • Leave spent perennials standing to provide cover and much needed food for our winter visitors.
  • Orionids meteor shower is late-October.